Price list

Total 20 properties: 3 sold, 0 reserved, 17 available

First Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePromoPrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 11 bedroom71.23€53 423€42 900€602 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 21 bedroom71.23€49 699€698 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 81 bedroom83.86€57 300€683 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Second Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePromoPrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 91 bedroom71.86€57 488€51 100€711 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 101 bedroom71.86€57 488€515 900€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 141 bedroom69.15€55 320€49 000€709 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 162 bedrooms84.61€67 688€59 800€707 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Third Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 181 bedroom71.86€75 500€1051 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Fourth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 261 bedroom71.86€78 550€1093 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.