Price list

Total 18 properties: 5 sold, 0 reserved, 13 available

Section A

Ground Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 12 bedrooms161.90€97 140€600 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

First Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 22 bedrooms85.35€68 280€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 31 bedroom63.26€50 608€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 42 bedrooms102.13€81 704€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Second Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 62 bedrooms112.54€90 032€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 1Atelier49.92€39 936€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Third Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 92 bedrooms112.55€90 040€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Fourth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 122 bedrooms112.55€90 040€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Fifth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 132 bedrooms116.23€92 984€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 141 bedroom73.61€58 888€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 151 bedroom91.95€73 560€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Sixth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 163 bedrooms219.53€175 624€800 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.

Section P
#TypePriceStatusArchitectural plan
# 1,2,5-9Parking space€10 000 AVAILABLE
Layout: .

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property's floor area.